Five Ways to Increase Order Form Conversions | Affiliate Marketing 2021

62 Просмотры
In five minutes, conversion rate optimization expert Nick Coats tells you five ways to get more sales from your order forms.

- Publish customer testimonials near your order form to reinforce your offer and brand at a crucial moment during the buyer's journey.
- Place a badge next to the order form to elevate your credentials and authority.
- Create urgency! Give your potential customers a reason to buy NOW.
- Include pictures of the product near the order form. Remind your customers of the value they're receiving with this offer.
- A money-back guarantee gives them the confidence to purchase, knowing that the company will support them post-purchase.

Believe it or not, our guest host, Nick Coats, used to work at ClickBank before starting his own agency, Sawtooth Media Group. He's had access to countless data over his years, and has developed an extraordinary grasp on conversion rate optimization.


0:00 Intro
0:37 What to expect from this video
1:33 #1 Publish testimonials with your order form
2:09 #2 Place a badge next to your order form
2:58 #3 Create urgency in your order forms
3:36 #4 Pair product images with your order form
4:15 #5 Offer a money back guarantee with your order form
4:45 Bonus tip: add customer service information

#conversionrateoptimization #ecommerce #clickbank
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