I hired my first Amazon FBA employee

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I finally did it, I hired my first employee for my Amazon FBA business. Some people will call this individual a virtual assistant and even though that is technically true, I am not paying virtual assistant prices. And I am okay with that.

I have been fortunate enough to grow a profitable Amazon FBA business that has allowed me the opportunity to help diversify. And that is the step I am trying to take with hiring. This individual's main job is to grow my brand through Instagram. By growing a more personable business, I am able to try and be less reliant on Amazon.

The task for my employee includes:
- Schedule daily post
- Engaging with followers
- Growing an influencer program
- And ultimately trying to drive sales through all sales channels (Primarily Shopify)

The reason why I have decided to hire someone instead of doing it myself is because 95% of my income comes from Amazon FBA. If I neglect this business, and start focusing on a business that makes me $0, I am putting myself in a huge risk position. I would rather have someone else grow it as I pay them. If it fails, it fails.

But so far, It has resulted in promising results. I pay this individual $1,850 per month ($300 goes to marketing). I know this is a lot of money for a virtual position, especially considering the alternatives out there, but I want someone I can trust and is knowledgeable in the space. And so far, so good.

I would love your thoughts on this.

0:00 - Intro
1:27 - What does this employee do?
2:50 - Where did I hire them from?
4:37 - How much I pay them
6:03 - Results so far
8:24 - Shopify Sales

#AmazonFBA #MyFirstEmployee
Амазон FBA
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