Is Limited Restock Permament? Amazon FBA SKU Limitations

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Limited restock

This product exceeds the allowed quantity. See the maximum inventory level at Restock Inventory. Learn how to calculate the quantity limit on this Help page.

Restock quantity limits
We are temporarily limiting the quantity you can send for your products. You can see the limits for your products on this page and on the Restock Inventory report. Click on the units right above the color bar in the Days of Supply column to see the maximum inventory level and maximum shipment quantity for the product. Learn more

Restock Inventory

The Restock Inventory tool provides recommendations on products to restock, suggested replenishment quantities, and ship by dates. You can customize your restock recommendations by configuring your inputs, such as lead time and case pack quantities. The restock tool helps you keep track of your inventory levels so that you can maximize sales by meeting product demand while avoiding overstock situations.
Frequently asked questions
How does Amazon generate restock recommendations?

One of the keys to good inventory management is keeping the right amount of inventory in stock. This can be challenging, because the “right amount” varies based on future demand and the cost of carrying too much or too little inventory.

To help you overcome these challenges, Amazon has developed a sophisticated optimization model that calculates a suggested replenishment quantity, and ship date for your products. The quantity and date recommendations take into account your variable costs, expected revenue, and estimated future demand. The recommendations are intended to provide you with information you can use to balance the cost of running out of stock (lost sales) vs. the cost of carrying too much inventory (capital costs and storage fees) to help you get the highest return on your inventory investment.

Keep in mind that the model relies on your inputs and leverages an estimate of future demand to generate a restock recommendation.

Do I need to follow Amazon’s restock recommendations?

We encourage you to follow the recommended replenishment quantity and ship dates to avoid out of stock or low stock situations. Our recommendations take into account future demand forecasts and the product-level information you provide. Please fine-tune your restock recommendations by adjusting product-level information, such as seller and supplier lead times, and replenishment frequency. To update these settings for a particular product from the Restock Inventory page, select Customize SKU settings from the drop-down menu to the right. You can also configure your settings in bulk by clicking Customize SKU settings at the top right of the page. Currently, our recommendations do not take into account the quantity limits, so please note the Maximum shipment quantity before creating a shipment.
Do I need to send my shipments by the recommended ship date?

These dates are our best estimate of when to send in a shipment to help you avoid low stock or out-of-stock scenarios. However, it is always your decision whether or not to follow our recommended ship date.
How will I know which products have quantity limits?

Products that are eligible for shipment creation and have a quantity limit are marked with a Limited restock tag on the Restock Inventory page.
How does Amazon calculate the quantity I am able to send for limited restock products?

We calculate the quantity you can send based on past sales, current inventory levels, and the capacity available in our fulfillment centers.
How can I determine how much of my product I am able to send?

To determine how much you can send to a fulfillment center, go to the Restock Inventory page. In the Days of Supply column for your product, click on the units right above the color bar to open a pop-up window that contains your Maximum shipment quantity allowed.
How does Amazon calculate the maximum shipment quantity allowed?

Your Maximum shipment quantity equals your Maximum inventory level allowed minus Utilization.

To find utilization for your product, click on the units right above the color bar in the Days of Supply column to open a pop-up window that contains the Utilization number.

Utilization represents your current inventory at Amazon, which counts against your maximum inventory level and helps determine your maximum shipment quantity. It includes incoming shipments, inventory pending removals, and your reserved inventory. This may or may not match with the Inventory supply at Amazon number in the pop-up window.

Can I appeal for an increase in my product's quantity limit? NO

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